PRESENT:  Erik Cramb, Dorothy Wilson, Carole Craig, Lillian Malcolm, Gordon McDonald, Marie Riley, Sandy Cameron, Denise Cameron, Christine Wilson, Doreen McNab, Denis Bethell.


APOLOGIES: Anne Farrow.





The minutes of the meeting held on 2nd June 2016 were approved.



2.                              MATTERS ARISING:


2.1.            (Re Minute 2.2) Dorothy reported that the track for the hoist in Dundee House is now complete.


2.2.            (Re minute 2.3) Scott Mands has now submitted a written proposal and Erik handed out copies asking that we all consider the content, which will be discussed at our September meeting.


2.3.            (Re Minute 2.5) Lillian and Erik advised that the Council have now completed the work to drop the kerb outside the 1stStop 2Shop. Erik will write to the Council and thank them for carrying out the job so quickly.






       By e-mail


3.1                     On 1/6/16 from Scott Mands asking how to reduce the disability employment gap and inviting suggestions as to how people with disabilities can be better supported into work.


3.2                    On 3/6/16 from Dave Crozier saying he has joined the Scottish Disability Equality Forum team.


3.3                    On 6/6/16 from Christine Wilson with an invitation to Dundee’s Smart Flat Launch - Open Afternoon on 15th June.


3.4                    On 7/6/16 via Scott Mands sending Scottish Enterprise Network’s ‘Good to Go Out’ Leaflet.


3.5                    On 7/6/16 from SDEF with info re Disability Roadshow Kirkintilloch on 20 June.


3.6                    On 8/6/16 from CILPK sending their monthly Newsletter.


3.7                    On 9/6/16 from Anne Farrow saying she has added an event to the Dundee Council's 'What's on' page to publicise our July meeting.


This did not work.  We need to find out how to do it.


3.8                    On 14/6/16 from SDEF inviting us to complete a Transport Engagement Survey.


3.9                    On 15/6/16 from Dorothy Wilson with contact details for Avril Smith Hope, Service Manager in Social Work who would be happy to come and speak to our group and update us on Health & Social Care re their Physical Disabilities Strategy.


3.10                On 16/6/16 from Patrick Nyamurundira re industrial action on railway.


3.11                On 22/6/16 from SDEF saying that the Independent Living Fund has been given an extra £5m and has set up meetings, one of which will be in Dundee, to hear views on what criteria should be used to access it.


3.12                On 24/6/16 from Struan Bradbury sending information about the new STEP programme workshops running throughout Dundee.


3.13                On 27/6/16 from David Crozier, SDEF, asking to give him the names of our Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer and Secretary as well as their telephone numbers, email addresses and addresses, along with our Access Panel bank details: Account name, Account Number and sort code for his database.


3.14                On 27/6/16 from Dorothy Wilson sending a PowerPoint presentation on the Regional Performance Centre for Sport project showing some visuals and update on progress.


3.15                On 28/6/16 from SDEF asking access panels to offer feedback with regards to the content and functionality of their new website that promotes inclusive design.


3.16                On 29/6/16 from Scott Mands resending a questionnaire so that organisations are able to make individual responses to the questions asked.



4.      A.O.C.B.


4.1              Erik advised that since our last meeting he had heard the presentation from Peter Nurick of the V& A. The presentation was excellent but it is quite lengthy and Erik agreed with Peter that he should cancel his visit to our Group this time and he re-arranged it for our October meeting when we can devote more time to the subject.


4.2               It was agreed that following the request from SDEF for the personal details of all our Office Bearers and of our Bank Accounts we should just have one point of contact in the Group and only give our Bank details if we are to receive funds from SDEF. It was suggested Anne as Secretary should be our point of contact.


4.3              A lengthy discussion took place regarding the problem of cars parking in disabled spaces without a Blue Badge including at ASDA. Various suggestions to assist with this problem were aired including cards, stickers, moveable signs and tannoy announcements in supermarkets. It was agreed that we should write to the Chamber of Commerce and the Council but in the first place Erik will draft out a paper for our consideration. When writing to the Chamber of Commerce it was agreed we would send them a copy of an extract from Enable Magazine, which Gordon produced at the meeting, regarding “The Walkaway Pound”. Christine also offered to produce extracts from her dissertation on the subject.


4.4              It was agreed that Avril Smith Hope, Service Manager in Social Work, should be invited to speak at our November meeting and that it would be a good idea if David Crozier of SDEF be invited to attend that meeting also.


4.5              Denis again raised the question of our donating to other similar organisations. After discussion it was agreed we should investigate the purchase of a portable loop system. Sandy also offered to visit Shopmobility with Carole to see if they had a particular project we could assist with by way of a donation.





The next meeting of Dundee Access Group will be held on THURSDAY 1st SEPTEMBER 2016 at 12.45 in Thomas Herd House, 10 - 12 Ward Road, Dundee, DD1 1LX.





                 c/o Dundee Carers Centre

                  Seagate House

                  124 Seagate


                  DD1 2HB


                  web: www.dundeeaccessgroup.co.uk


                  e-mail: dundeeaccessgroup.org@hotmail.co.uk